Kreativ Blogger

This week Kelly bestowed a “Kreativ Blogger” award on me. Kreativ Blogger

Thank you Kelly, much appreciated. 🙂

Apparently the rules for this are:
1). Thank the person giving the award.
2). Copy the award to your blog.
3). Place a link to their blog.
4). Name seven things people don’t know about you.
5). Nominate seven other bloggers who you admire.
6). Place a link to these bloggers.
7). Leave a comment on their blog notifying them of the award.

1) and 2) are done, and 3) was done ages ago when I included Kelly in my Blogroll.

The remainder are a little more difficult for a number of reasons, and I can already hear the cries of “Bah-Humbug” even before I say any more.

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